Free Mulch

Mulch piles at Arborilogical Services. Free mulch is available at our office year round. Photo by RuthAnn Jackson.
Published September 18, 2018 By ARBORILOGICAL SERVICES
FREE mulch is available at our office year round. Call for more information (972) 442-1524.
We recycle every ounce of brush and log debris that we produce. Although many Dallas/Fort Worth area cities pick up brush from your house, in the majority of those cities it goes directly to the landfill. We prefer to be environmentally responsible. We cost our jobs to haul off the brush and logs and in doing so we may lose work, but we sleep better knowing we are a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
Some of the mulch is brought back to Arborilogical Services so we have free mulch available for our clients and the communities surrounding us. The additional brush is taken to recycling centers that create mulch and other products, The debris from our jobs is organic material that eventually is replaced back into natural surroundings to enrich our landscapes and soil.