Published October 2014 By ARBORILOGICAL SERVICES
The Thursday afternoon thunderstorms that brought high winds and too little rain, damaged many trees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. If you are an existing Arborilogical Services client and your trees sustained serious damage and you need an arborist to assess the damage as soon as possible, please use the CONTACT button on the menu at the top of this page.
Please submit your name, address, email address, and phone numbers and include a detailed message. A member of our office staff will contact you to let you know we have received your request and to schedule an arborist or production crew to help you with this emergency.
Our certified arborist are working throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area, addressing our clients’ trees’ needs as quickly as they can.
If your trees have sustained damage, but the damage is not at the level of an emergency, state in your message that while the damage is not at the level of an emergency, you will need an arborist to assess the damage as soon as the emergency calls are addressed.
Should any of your trees be in contact or near electrical utility lines, contact your service provider. Your service provider will be responsible for making the site safe before storm damage can be removed.