'Trees for Threes' Benefits from NBA's Hottest Hands

Last year Davey Tree Expert Company tied tags on trees to let people know about the benefits of trees. Photo by the Davey Tree Expert Company.
Published January 5, 2016 By JILL ODOM
PricewaterhouseCoopers, a multinational professional services firm and several NBA teams have come together for another season of “Trees for Threes.”
For every three-pointer the Dallas Mavericks, New York Knicks, Brooklyn Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers score at a home game, PwC partners and staff plant one tree.
The program started in Dallas in 2010 and has spread to New York and Ohio.
After the 2014-2015 season, PwC was able to plant 4,599 trees and spent 5,036 hours volunteering. In Ohio, The Davey Tree Expert Co. pitched in, donating all 422 trees that the Cavs racked up during the season.
Davey employees tied tags to the trees explaining their benefits and helped instruct volunteers and elementary school students on how to properly plant and water the trees.
The Mavericks currently have scored enough three-pointers for 330 trees to be planted. Arborilogical Services Inc. will provide and care for these trees for up to three years. More than 1,400 trees have been planted in Dallas and the Mavericks’ goal is to reach 1,750 trees by the end of this season.
The Knicks have contributed 256 trees for the season so far, with Carmelo Anthony, Jose Calderon and Langston Galloway leading the team. PwC is working in conjunction with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation to plant the trees.
In third thus far, the Cavaliers have made 166 three-pointers and managed to score 18 alone in a home game against the Orlando Magic. The Cavs have a record of 826 to beat from last year.
The Brooklyn Nets, meanwhile, have guaranteed at least 91 trees will be planted thanks to PwC and New York Restoration Project.
See more at: http://www.totallandscapecare.com/trees-for-threes/#sthash.sCwvd6Pe.dpuf.